Management Advisory Services

General Management

Friedman Consulting, LLC provides a full range of consulting services in the broad spectrum of management activities including organization and personnel, finance systems, operations, planning, and controls.

  • Corporate turnarounds
  • Creating Corporate Policies and Procedures
  • Financial Consulting
    • Business Evaluation
    • Cash Management
    • Financial Analyses
    • Forecasts and Projections
  • Management duties, information systems, reports and controls
  • Management review
  • Operations Research
  • Organization Consulting
    • Planning and structure
    • Evaluation
    • Job analysis, description, and evaluation
    • Reengineering of Businesses
  • Profit improvement programs
  • Reengineering the company
  • Strategic business planning and long-range objectives


  • Advising companies regarding raising capital through investors, partners, and/or bank loans
  • Assisting companies in the feasibility of a partnership and if applicable, negotiate with principals and assisting companies’ counsel in drafting shareholders’ agreements
  • Assisting companies in exploring the feasibility of applying for a conventional bank loan or a SBA guaranty loan and if applicable, assisting the company’s accountants and lawyers in compiling documents.
  • Assisting in the development of a business plan
  • Management consulting – the overall direction of the company and growth strategies

Mergers & Acquisitions

We provide professional assistance to the motivated seller and qualified purchaser of virtually all types of businesses. Our assistance in the general merger and acquisition process include detailed studies of companies and industries, strategic planning, screening, analysis and negotiation. We can provide confidential business profiles on an exclusive basis and have a proven ability to work effectively and harmoniously with all of the other professionals employed by the client.

Successfully negotiating the purchase, sale or merger of a business is as much an art as it is a science. In addition to the obvious legal areas such as taxes, antitrust, general corporate law, etc., the psychology underlying the process can be pivotal. We can assist in bridging the gaps that invariably develop. Our approach is multi-faceted. We can focus on the total picture, not merely the individual elements.


As business and litigation consultants for over thirty years, we developed skills and experience in negotiating complex issues such as selling and buying companies, merging businesses, settling legal disputes, arranging joint ventures and partnership disputes. We have a passion for negotiation and view it as the first priority in settling all matters.